Keeping Politics Out of Government Operations
Introduction to the purpose of PresRun2028
In the interests of leaving politics as far out of the process as possible with the current construct of our government, the following is how I would like to see things done in the next administration.
While the concept pre-dated the 2024 election cycle by years, if not decades, I am here to re-claim the sovereignty of the Citizens of the United States from the grip of Political Parties demanding fealty to their organization before the Constitution. Neither party is inetersted in efficient or effective government; but, rather, in whether they control the function of government. For these and other reasons, I am announcing my candidacy for the Presidency of the United States and will, in coming videos provide an overview of topic that impact the lives of all of my fellow citizens and post blog articles here presenting far greater detail on each topic.
Political parties are not mentioned in the Constitution of the United States and, therefore, are not a consideration in any Governmental action unless there is specific legislation to require such a consideration. The "Establishment Clause" actually provides insight into how the Founders viewed the forced imposition of the views of any one group upon any other. This; in the most fundamental and deeply personal sense, offers a perspective on what the Founders are likely to see as acceptable and unacceptable considerations in the execution of our Democracy.
Precedent, while an important guide, must not become the sole determining factor in Governmental decisions. Stare decisis has been bandied about a great deal of late. Those demanding blind adherence to precedent seem to forget that such an argument begs the return of segregation (See generally Plessy v. Ferguson, 163 U.S. 537, 16 S. Ct. 1138, 41 L. Ed. 256 (1896), and slavery (See generally Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393, 15 L. Ed. 691, 15 L. Ed. 2d 691 (1857).
It is axiomatic that change is the only universal constant. That being so, our only input is how we manage and adapt to that change. In the United States, that has traditionally meant accepting the reality that our personal views are not, nor should they be, automatically applicable to all others in our vast population.
While not addressing the scale and scope of government, an issue that requires review, adjustment, and adaptation, this writing is based solely upon how the government is currently constituted with the realization and recognition that we have compartmentalized ourselves into a near paralysis while not actually benefitting from these added divisions, departments, or sectors.
The intent is to review, in turn, The Presidency; Presidential relations with the Congress; Presidential Judicial appointments; Federal Agency regulations; Healthcare; Immigration Reform and aspect of National Security impacted by Immigration; Governmental Contracting with its implications for National Security; Energy Security; International Relations; International Trade; Federal Taxation; Redress of Grievances for Citizens; and, Presidential Appointments Protocol to break the cycle of reward for political fealty.
I look forward to engaging with my fellow citizens and learning where I might improve plans for managing the Presidency and Congress within the limits of the Constitution for the benefit of all citizens and residents of this Great Nation.
Thank you for visiting.